Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Change - Borders, Politics, National Identity

The creation of Togo’s borders were done by Germany. Beginning in 1884, Germany controlled a stretch of land along the coast and gradually extended its control inland. They did not conform to existing cultural boundaries when they created the boundaries for Togo. They divided people groups and nations [1] . They split the Ewe, Adja, Ouatchi, Fon, and other groups  between the Gold Coast, Togo, and Dahomey which is now known as Benin. The Germans named their new colony “Togo” after the village that they made their original treaty with in 1884. [2]

 "Togo Extruded on the World Map With..." Togo Extruded On The World Map With Administrative Borders. Solid Colors Used. Stock Footage Video 8305519. Accessed June 28, 2016. http://www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-8305519-stock-footage-togo-extruded-on-the-world-map-with-administrative-borders-solid-colors-used.html. 
Treaties with France were made in 1897 while treaties with the British were made in 1904 allowing for German expansion. After WWI, Britain and France took complete control of Togo and it was split between the east and the west with Britain taking the west and France taking the east. The French portion became independent in 1960 and became known as the Republic of Togo. The British portion became the independent state of Ghana in 1957.  [3]

The Volta river was used as a natural boundary along the Gold Coast, which is now known as Ghana but negotiations with the French and British led to the area north of Lome to remain part of the Gold Coast. This area is commonly referred to as the “Volta Triangle.”  [2] Another boundary is the coast along the Gulf of Guinea. The boundary with Benin was agreed upon by France and Germany in 1897 but was not fully marked which has caused tension between the two nations recently. [4]  
Image result for togoland borders
 "Module Twenty Four, Activity One." Exploring Africa. Accessed June 28, 2016. http://exploringafrica.matrix.msu.edu/curriculum/unit-five/module-twenty-four/module-twenty-four-activity-one/. 

 "Murray & Candace's Adventures." : Trekking across Togo... Accessed June 28, 2016. http://mercyshipadventure.blogspot.com/2010/05/trekking-across-togo.html. 
The Togolese have conformed to the boundaries in political sense by establishing a government and maintaining control of their borders. They are a people that largely still live in small villages and communities though, so their lives are not greatly affected by being Togolese. They have a much more local minded focus and recognize more minor authority figures than many nations. [2]

1. "History." Togo Country Review (July 2011): 6-8. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed June 27, 2016).
2. "Togo - History." History. Accessed June 27, 2016. http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Africa/Togo-HISTORY.html.
3. "Togoland." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (April 2016): 1. Literary Reference Center, EBSCOhost (accessed June 28, 2016).
4. Shelley, Fred M. Nation Shapes: The Story behind the World's Borders. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2013. 265.

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